As you must know, your company’s IP and domain reputations are major assets that need to be protected. They depict the quality of your company’s email sending environment and are important factors of deliverability.
In a nutshell, any company would be well advised to have positive IP and domain reputations to make sure that its emails get to the right prospects’ inboxes. Negative IP and domain reputations mean poor deliverability and this is absolutely not what you want for your company.
Tools to monitor and improve your IP and domain reputation
Keeping an eye on your IP/Domain reputations is therefore a key task that must not be overlooked. There are a variety of tools to monitor and improve your IP and domain reputations. Some of them are within easy reach and easy to use:
Talos: you just need to enter your email server IP or your domain and it tells you whether your IP or domain’s reputation is good, neutral or poor. This tool is clearly an effective way to make sure that your emails get to their destination because that’s the goal of sending an email 🙂 And if you’ve been blacklisted, Talos will tell you too.
Mail-tester: Easy as ABC: your email campaign is ready? Just go to Mail-tester homepage. You’ll find an email to send your campaign to. Send it and then you’ll get the results about your domain. The tool spots mistakes within the email too and gives you some advice to improve your campaign and your IP/domain reputation.
Glock App: This one is not just a domain and IP checker. It is also doing a great job in tracking issues that could compromise your email campaigns. After testing, you get a report that includes an average delivery rate and detailed reports for every host.
SendForensics is going further in their reports by giving you a lot of helpful data and compare all the tests you’re doing.
Postmaster Tools: Internet giant Google offers a tool that analyses a certain number of factors such as reputation scores to make sure corporate emails don’t arrive as spams. You get precise statistics on your email deliverability, which can be very useful when your work is to send massive email campaigns on a regular basis. In the same vain, Microsoft and AOL has developed Smart Network Data Services and AOL Postmaster.
These innovative tools can be very helpful and save you a lot of trouble. Take the time to try them on because your reputation matters. And to go further in your emailing strategy and make the right choices, the MailSoar team is here.